24 June 2013

The Summer Zine, Issue No. 2

Good afternoon, T-storms and thunderclaps!

Since NYC public schools close this week, I thought it appropriate to talk about summer despite the gloomy weather we're expected to have this week (boo!). This is issue #2 of The (Semi-)Ultimate NYC Summer Bucket List although this one isn't quite in bucket list form...

Tattly's Randomizer Tour!
Nothing cries "summer" more than a colorful popsicle stick (or pair of sunnies) tattooed on your forehead. This summer, Tattly has teamed up with stores across lower Manhattan and Brooklyn to bring you the Randomizer Tour! At selected venues during selected dates, our favorite temp tattoos will be sold via a kawaii little vending machine for a quarter each! That's right, 25c. I fully intend to raid my crayon bank for quarters in anticipation of spending them all on tattoos. (Can you tell I'm really excited?)

Adventures in Adventure Suits (iPhone5)
If you're planning on going someplace characterized by water sports and the deep blue sea this summer, consider opting for this awesome iPhone adventure suit instead of that really cute pair of shoes you've been eyeing. I know, I know: What could possibly trump a highly-coveted designer garment of your choice?! Well this iPhone suit will fully protect your precious while going underwater and you'll be able to get really cool shots down there too! This is a must-buy for Instagrammers who want to one-up their friends with kooky snaps from the pool, waterslide, beach, lake, or any other body of water. Also available for the iPhone 4 and 4S (and a lot cheaper too, you lucky people)

Speaking of suits... SUITS
Everyone's favorite lawyer-associate duo is back on the air in July! Can you imagine the things you could do with an eidetic memory (photographic memory in layman's terms)?! Aside from taking standardized exams for snooty kids who don't have the brains to get into Harvard, you could be a circus act! You probably got your PhD at age 16 and now work as a kickbutt medical research scientist who performs life-saving surgeries on the regular with a side gig as a top-notch attorney who recites the entire Encyclopedia Britannica to a stadium full of kids after breakfast. (What?)

Learn Something!
I really love the idea of recalling back to a summer and saying "Oh yeah, that's the summer I learned how to _____________" Options include, but are not limited to: speak Klingon, surf, ride a bike, write a computer program, make an ace sandcastle, recreate King's Landing in Minecraft, build a fire, perfect a microwave brownie, etc. While the possibilities are endless, I find the novelty of spending a summer perfecting a craft quite splendid because when August ends, you are an expert in a craft of your choice.

Will there be an Issue No. 3? Stay tuned to find out...

Julia, over and out.

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