10 April 2013

If I Had an Eidetic Memory...

I would remember every face and name I've ever come across.
I would remember how I spent the summer of 2005,
And I would remember every fact I learned in high school physics.
I would have been a straight-A student
And I would be attending the college of my dreams
Where I would remember every face and fact I would encounter on that campus.
But I don't have an eidetic memory.

I don't remember every face or name I've ever come across.
I don't remember how I spent the summer before entering the sixth grade
And I hardly remember anything from physics aside from F=ma.
I'm not even enrolled in school
And there aren't facts or faces to remember

But that's okay
Because I'm Julia and I'm not expected to be perfect.
I'm allowed to make mistakes
So I will.
And I'll keep making them until the end of time.

Quick note: It may not be such a good idea to link your personal blog to your resume. They could read about all your shortcomings. My mistake.

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