12 September 2013


It always feels a little strange to meet new people, only for them to later find out that you publish things on the internet. As insignificant as I may be in relation to the entire World Wide Web, it's still strange for other people to find out about your cyber presence.

It's almost as if they're uncovering a bazillion layers of you that you haven't been able to share with them in person yet. All of a sudden, they know how you think and what you think about while you're just starting to get acquainted IRL.

I suppose it's rather like celebrity stalking; people obsess themselves over their favorite movie stars yet they've probably never met them in the flesh. So how well do you know them? Is your distant perception different from their actual personality?

When people note that they've read something that I've written, I try to shrug it off as if it was nothing. In a sense, it really isn't much of anything. This collection of thoughts that I've accumulated doesn't sum up the entirety of my being. The internet is just a medium that I can use to express thoughts and whatnot.

In a way, I feel like Colin Singleton of An Abundance of Katherines lore. I spit out facts and thoughts that I find fascinating and wonderful that, honestly, nobody really cares about. So I share them here, where I don't care if people care about things or not.

Colin Singleton could've used a blog. And people need to be more open minded.

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